Er Yu Oil 新加坡正宗鳄鱼油


  • Nourishes the skin & allows new cells regeneration.
  • Improves skin conditions & easily absorbed for great healing purpose.
  • Specially made with antiseptic healing

18 in stock

SKU: 8888287800214 Categories: ,


Made in Singapore. Multi purpose skin healer
Rich in Collagen. Nourishes the skin and allows new cells regeneration. Improves skin conditions and easily absorbed for great healing purpose. Specifically made with antiseptic healing.
Indications: Dry skin. Frostbites or sunburns. Scalds or cuts. Treat acne, pimples and smoothen scars. Eczema or skin itch. Sore and skin fungal infections.
Can also use for massage.
适用于皮肤干燥、龟裂、搔痒、冻疮、晒伤、烫伤、割伤、 粉刺、 面疱;具有保湿抗纹,治疗黄褐斑,黑斑,雀斑,青春豆等功效,良好的渗透性让皮肤可以快速吸收。

Additional information

Weight 0.35 kg
Dimensions 5 × 4 × 15 cm
Net Weight
